

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Hate Tofu? A Tofu Salad That May Change Your Mind

Tofu gets a bad rap, let's face it. Many people won't even try it because fermented soybeans just sounds weird. But tofu, because of its mild flavor, can be a blank canvas that only needs an artist's brush to transform it from tasteless to terrific.

I admit I've been off preparing tofu for years for some reason, but it's a cheap and versatile protein that begs to be revisited. This is one of the first tofu recipes I ever made, from the original Greens Cookbook by Deborah Madison, of the famed Greens Restaurant in San Francisco's Fort Mason. It's simple, healthy, tangy and delicious. Lots of vegetables, herbs and savory seasoning make this a delicious addition to your sandwich filling repertoire.

The Greens Cookbook Tofu Salad
Makes about 2 cups

 1 16 oz. package firm tofu in water
5 Tbsp. red bell pepper, finely minced
5 Tbsp. celery, finely minced
4 Tbsp. carrot, finely minced
2 Tbsp. scallions, finely minced
2 Tbsp. fresh herbs: parsley, thyme, marjoram
1/2 cup mayonnaise
2 tsp. capers, minced
mustard to taste (I use Gulden's)
salt & pepper
red wine vinegar or sherry vinegar

Place the tofu in a clean kitchen towel and squeeze until the liquid has been drained. Crumble the tofu in a bowl with the veggies, herbs, mayo, mustard and capers. Lighty mix with a fork and season with salt, pepper and a splash of vinegar. Taste and adjust seasoning. I usually add more mustard and vinegar.

The salad may seem bland at first but the flavors will blend and strengthen as it sits. If possible, let it sit at least 30 minutes before serving.

I like it on a thick piece of crusty toasted whole wheat sourdough.  Top with tomato, greens or even cheese although I find this takes away from the wonderfully fresh and crunchy vegetable flavors. Use your imagination, perhaps some finely minced kalamata olives, arugula or sprouts...